Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Assignment Two Submission

Just a short reminder that the due date for Assignment Two is 21-July.

You can submit the group project in two ways:

  1. Upload the report to SOUL. Only one group member needs to upload the report. Make sure there's a title page that clearly indicates the names and IDs of all group members, plus the e-mail addresses of the group leader.
  2. Submit the printed report to any of the Enrollment Centres listed in http://hkuspace.hku.hk/programmes/prog.php?action=learning_centres&content=eng.
  3. I will return your graded marksheet to your group leader via e-mail and/or through SOUL on or around 28-July.

The marking criteria will be: Content (60%), Organization and formatting (10%), Analysis of issues and originality (10%), Site map and sample web pages (20%).

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